This festival started as a way to celebrate the new ice angling opportunities that were introduced to the kawartha's three years ago.
What started as a way to enjoy some fun ice fishing together, quickly grew into the largest free winter fishing festival that we know of in Canada. The first year saw an estimated 1000 people join us on the ice for a fun family day. Families and friends enjoy a fun day of outdoor fun together on Chemong Lake, Ont.
We receive support from a great group of volunteers who drill holes, direct traffic, set-up and take-down displays, hand out prizes and offer angler support and without this help the festival could not function.
The sponsors who support this free event make this festival possible. Ontario Power Generation and OFAH Tackleshare represent the title sponsors of this day and also make available ice fishing equipment for loan to anyone who would like to try their hand at catching a fish from an ice hole. Many other sponsors provide prize donations to the event and we have been able to provide every child who attends a prize. Please check out the sponsor section of the website and support these companies who are promoting free angling opportunities and youth angler education. Getting kids off the computer and outdoors having fun should always be applauded and we value the support of these companies.
As with any outdoor event, we are dependent on good weather to aid in our enjoyment and last year high winds really impacted the festival.
However this year, in association with the OFAH, children activities are planned at the Heritage Center in Peterborough to offer more family opportunities to enjoy time together learning and enjoying about fishing, regardless of the weather outside.
Watch for our ad in the current edition of Ontario Out of Doors and with help of our fine media sponsors information will be presented on TV, social media, print media and radio.
Thanks to all who help make this a special day for all the kids and their families who attend. For more information check out the website or tune into 100.5 KRUZ in the Peterborough area.
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